At Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Group, based on our Reason for Existence ("Purpose"), our Management Principles ("Mission"), our Ideal Model ("Vision") and our Codes of Conduct ("Value"), we respect dialogue with all stakeholders, such as clients, shareholders, investors, employees, business partners, local communities, NPOs, government authorities and international institutions, and play an active role in building a sustainable society.

1. Contribute to Solving Social and Environmental Problems through Business
  • We work to solve social and environmental problems from a global perspective through our core businesses.
  • We integrate the diverse functions that are unique to a trust bank group and develop new business models and innovative products and services to help solve social and environmental problems.
2. Serve Clients with Sincerity
  • We strive to provide in-depth explanations and proposals so that clients can fully understand the details of our products and services. In addition, we make efforts to quickly meet the demands of clients and link their feedback to business improvements and product and service enhancement.
  • We strive to undertake meticulous management of client information.
  • We engage in educational and awareness-raising activities by cooperating with educational institutions, government authorities, NPOs, etc., to enable clients to take the lead in rationally selecting financial products and building sound assets.
3. Earn the Trust of Society
  • We strictly adhere to all laws, regulations and rules, and conduct our activities in a sincere and fair manner that conforms to societal norms.
  • We build sound and proper relationships with stakeholders, and fulfill our responsibilities as a member of society, engaging in fair competition and appropriate disclosure of corporate information, etc.
  • We maintain a resolute stance against antisocial forces which threaten public order and safety, and work to prevent improper use of financial functions by organized crime.
4. Address Environmental Issues
  • We aim to build a low-carbon society, a natural symbiosis society which fosters biodiversity, and a circulatory society, and will work to solve problems which obstruct these aims through our core businesses by cooperating with various stakeholders.
  • We work on energy and resource conservation to reduce the environmental burden caused by our own activities.
5. Respect the Individual
  • We respect individual rights and diverse values, rejecting unjustifiable acts of discrimination in all our activities.
  • We create a safe and pleasant workplace environment, respect employees’ diverse ways of working, and strive to achieve work-life balance.
  • We work to develop the skills of employees and strive to build sound minds and bodies.
6. Participate in and Contribute to the Community
  • We aim to revitalize the community and build a rich living environment in cooperation with various partners in all communities where we engage in corporate activities, through our business activities and social contribution such as educational and cultural activities.
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